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Open Space Commission Minutes 09/09/2016
Town of Old Lyme
Open Space Minutes
September 9, 2016

Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Gary Gregory, George James, Evan Griswold, Mary Stone, Diana Atwood Johnson, Bruce Baratz, Bill Dunbar.

The Open Space Commission gathered at 41 Whippoorwill Road and walked into the Ames Open Space. The meeting convened at Town Hall at 9:40.

1. Peter Cable moved minutes of July 8, 2016. . Seconded Gary Gregory.  Amanda     abstained. Motion passed.

2. Lisa Niccolai has moved to Vermont as her husband has a new position there. Lisa will be able to help us occasionally, until we secure a new steward.

Land Steward job description has been revised and posted on the Town website. It needs further distribution.


Reports to: Old Lyme Open Space Commission or its designee
Time: 8 hrs. every other week-Apr.-Oct. (Aug. off), 8 hrs. per mo. Nov.-Mar.

The land steward will work as an independent contractor at the direction of the Town of Old Lyme Open Space Commission to maintain Town of Old Lyme fee-owned open space and privately held lands that have a conservation easement in favor of the town. Responsibilities will include:

1. Town Open Space property maintenance/enhancement

        A. Trail Maintenance:
                1. Keep existing trails open (no chain saw work required)
                2. Maintain trail markers/kiosks/signage/maps
                3. Maintain entrances and parking areas
                4. Identify, remove and/or monitor invasive species

         B. Promote and develop wildlife and other habitats
2. Coordinate with OLOSC, Town DPW and/or other professionals to

        A. Mow meadows
        B. Identify and remove invasive plants and other noxious weeds
        C. Remove trail hazards

3. Present to OLOSC recommendations for:

        A.  Equipment and materials that are needed to perform appropriate work                         and/or to enhance visitor experience.
        B. infrastructure needs and repairs: roads, fencing, signage    

Proficiencies appreciated: GIS, GPS, Microsoft Word/Excel

Bachelor’s degree in forestry/biology and/or conservation related field preferred
Ability to identify native and invasive plants, trees and wildlife
Knowledge of and interest in environmental stewardship, land management and forestry techniques - Physically active, able and strong

Please send letter of interest and brief resume to:
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Commission
c/o Diana Atwood Johnson, Chair or 52 Lyme Street  Old Lyme, CT 06371

Diana is meeting with Chris Clayton and the new OLLT Chairman, Pam Hine and will talk about their interests. Evan will talk to Don Gerber of the Lyme Stewardship Committee to see if we can all work together like we have been able to with Lisa.

Lisa and Diana met with Skip Beebe regarding building the new and/or replaced kiosks. This looks like it will be a terrific solution to our problems. He will also be working on the small replacement bridges that we don’t have beaver issues with.

3. We have no secretary still.

4. Diana had hoped to talk about the two properties being considered, but the appraisals have not arrived yet, so that will be put off until the October meeting.

The state’s matching grant applications will be issues today or tomorrow. Applications are due in February. There are funds available to the grant program from the Community Investment Act funds. Recently the Open Space Review Board recommended grants amounting to @ $5 million with awards up to 65%. The Review Board is hoping there will be approximately the same amount next year. Other funds do come from the bonding commission, but no one anticipates those funds being released until after the election, if at all.
Grants are now based on a point system, recently instituted. One of the most important standards is connectivity. Foster property is near to where OLLT has been protecting property, along with many other large open spaces. Ames is core forest, close to land we have already protected. Natural resource values are also critical. The amount of the awards could cut our cost in half by 50% or more of the appraised value, if we were successful.

5. Diana reiterated the purposes of the Open Space Commission. Our evaluation of each property is not about the money, it’s about the Open Space goals.  There may be issues brought up that have to do with considerations that are not about the natural resource or connectivity values or threatened species or town wide trails, but these are not how we, as the Open Space Commission are to evaluate a property. We have been looking at these properties for 15 years and saying they are a high priority for the Commission to acquire.

6. Stone’s Ranch final plan has been distributed. There’s seems to be no impact to Old Lyme’s open spaces.

7. Eversource has been working on the power lines through the town’s Open Space on the west side of Four Mile River Road. There were some wet areas where they were replacing towers. They created 15 foot pathway and rented special construction mats to allow them to work. The work took @ 2 days.

8. Gary asked if we had considered having a high school student on this commission. We have generally sought younger people, under the age of 50, but it is difficult. He’ll look into it. Mary reported that a graduation requirement may be to have a certain number of volunteer hours. Is there a Green Crew? Mary will find out.

Meeting concluded at 10:45.

Diana Atwood Johnson